Tuesday 4 September 2012


Petro retires after a long carrier.

chapter 19 percy jackson

  1. What does the Field of Asphodel look like?
  2. What do you have to do to enter the Isles of the Blest?
  3. How do Grover, Percy and Annabeth end up at the pit of Tartarus?
  4. How is Hades’ aura different than Ares? How does Percy feel when he’s in Hades’ presence?
  5. Describe the guards at Hades’ palace.
  6. What sort of problems does Hades complain about?
  7.  Why was Percy’s backpack getting heavy?
  8. What terrible choice faces Percy when he decides to use the pearls? Would you have made the same choice he does? Why or why not?
  9. How do Annabeth and Grover prove themselves to be real friends to Percy?
  10. What is the power of the pearls?
  11. Answers!!!!
  12. Asphodel looks like a football field but million times that and its like waiting for a concert that will never start.
  13. for the people who have been reborn three times and three time achieved Elysium.
  14. The shoes dragged them 10ft from the pit. 
  15. he wasn't bulked upped like ares and felt like Hades should be giving him orders.
  16. they are in marrine suitsts and Greek armor with m16.
  17. Hades is complaining because he used to be riched and own tones of sub divions and now hes broke.
  18. Percy backpack got heavy because he had the lighting bolt in his bag.
  19. He ends up leaving his mum behind and promises he will come back for her.
  20. they saved his life many times and they'd would have saccrificed there lifes for him.
  21. Nothing can get through them and they can save you.