Monday, 19 November 2012

reading novel day 13

Title: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Pages: 166-195
Summary: A knew character name Zach has came onto the scene. It doesn't really say anything about him yet.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

reading novel day 12

Title: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Pages: 147-165
summary: Willie paints the scenery of a school play and is promoted after matthew browne had been sent to boarding school.
Opinion: Alright

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

reading novel day 11

Title: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
pages: 121- 146
Summary: wilies mum is not comming to see tom for christmas and mrs fletcher says shame on her.
Opinion: alright

Monday, 12 November 2012

Reading novel day 10

Title: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Pages: 101-120
Summary: Tom signs up in fire thing and he has to do it a couple of hours a day.
Opinion: Boring

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

reading novel day 9

Tittle: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Pages: 79-100
Summary: Willie is guted because he lost to someone in a race and starts putting him self down.
Opinion: startin to get better

Monday, 5 November 2012

reading novel day 8

Title: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Summary: They start listing the materials they will need for the bomb shelter. What will happen?
Opinion: Still alright

Sunday, 4 November 2012

palindrome poetry

depressed, scared, feared
battle field
shot, death is near
Near is death, shot
field battle
feared, scared, depressed

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Reading novel day 7

Tittle: Goodnight mister Tom
Author: Michelle Magorian
Summary: they are building a bomb shelter so when those bombs come crashing down they maybe safe.
Opinion: Getting better