Wednesday 24 October 2012

Machine gunners

1, He split the ink on his friend so it would detracted the class.
2, Chas's dad doesn't ask him to if he knows anything because his dad was furious with the cops.
3, There concerned about the gun because of the weapon and it could injure someone else and its a knew type of machine gun that can go through walls and its got 2000 worth of ammo .
4, They think the child stole the gun because when it was stolen it look liked it had been hacked at.
5, They didn't look in the rabbit hutch because the gun couldn't fit in there but if they had looked in there they would have found the ammo

Chas likes to do his own thing whenever he fells like it.
Boddser was easy to take the Micky out of and know one really liked him.
I don't know i just think something interesting is going to happen.
I think story is written about someone steeling the machine gun and the police is trying to figure out what happened.

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