Tuesday 1 May 2012

Find the meanings of the following words

 WALT: write informative, interesting sentences.

- CAUCASIAN- to describe people who are merged races of Asian, European, North African and Indian.

-COMPLEXION-The natural color of the skin, or appearance.

-Absence-State of not being away, or not present.

-Sovereigns-Money, gold coins.

-Resistant- You can handle something.

-Corrosion- Something starts to rust. 

  1.  Dohnny walked in his paled white skin.
  2.   Dohnnys complexion was just terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Mr Taines absence from school made Mrs Harvey worried.
  4. Mr Hinghi and I found so many sovereigns from digging up a treasure chest.
  5. I can resist Hayzes fat tackles on me.
  6. My door nob started to corrode they other day.

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